Read Your Own Signs and Chart

Sep 14, 2024By Holly Hall
Holly Hall

Understanding Your Sun Sign

The basic meaning of each sign meanings:

You can use the below to understand each planet you may have discovered using this free chart report

Understanding each planet's meaning adds even more depth. Read the Planet, then the Zodiac Sign


Here’s the meaning of each astrological planet without symbols:

Represents: The self, ego, life force, core identity  
Meaning: The Sun is the center of your personality and overall being. It reflects your willpower, individuality, and how you express yourself. It shows where you shine and what motivates you at your core.

Represents: Emotions, instincts, inner self, subconscious  
Meaning: The Moon governs your emotional nature, instincts, and habits. It reflects how you feel inside, your comfort zones, and how you nurture and protect yourself and others.

Represents: Communication, intellect, reasoning, information  
Meaning: Mercury influences how you think, process information, and communicate with others. It governs logic, analytical skills, and short-term travel. Mercury reflects your style of speaking and learning.

Represents: Love, beauty, relationships, values  
Meaning: Venus governs your romantic relationships, attraction, beauty, and aesthetic sense. It shows how you approach love, what you find beautiful, and how you create harmony in relationships and your environment.

Represents: Action, drive, energy, desire, aggression  
Meaning: Mars represents your assertiveness, physical energy, and sexual drive. It reflects how you go after what you want, your competitive spirit, and how you handle conflict or pursue your ambitions.

Represents: Growth, abundance, luck, wisdom, expansion  
Meaning: Jupiter is the planet of growth, optimism, and expansion. It reflects where you seek knowledge, how you experience joy, and your capacity for generosity and good fortune. Jupiter promotes a broad perspective and opportunities for success.

Represents: Discipline, responsibility, structure, limitations  
Meaning: Saturn represents your sense of duty, discipline, and long-term goals. It is associated with challenges, restrictions, and lessons that require effort and maturity. Saturn reflects where you need to work hard and be responsible.

Represents: Innovation, rebellion, change, individuality  
Meaning: Uranus symbolizes sudden changes, breakthroughs, and originality. It represents freedom, progress, and disruptions to the status quo. Uranus shows where you are unconventional and where unexpected events can happen in life.

Represents: Dreams, intuition, spirituality, illusion  
Meaning: Neptune governs imagination, intuition, and the unseen realms. It represents spirituality, dreams, and creative inspiration, but also confusion, illusion, and escapism. Neptune reflects your ideals and where you may feel disconnected from reality.

Represents: Transformation, power, rebirth, intensity  
Meaning: Pluto represents deep transformation, power, and regeneration. It rules the processes of death and rebirth, both metaphorically and literally. Pluto reflects where you experience profound change, power struggles, and the potential for renewal.

Represents: Healing, wounds, personal growth  
Meaning: Chiron represents the areas in life where you carry deep wounds but also where you have the potential to heal yourself and others. It shows your vulnerabilities and the lessons you learn through your pain and healing journey.

These planets reflect different areas of life and how you interact with the world, shaping your personality and life experiences.


Element: Fire  
Ruling Planet: Mars  
Key Traits: Courageous, energetic, assertive, independent  
Aries symbolizes new beginnings. People with the Sun in Aries are natural leaders, adventurous, and thrive on challenges. They're enthusiastic and direct, often blazing a trail for others.


Element: Earth  
Ruling Planet: Venus  
Key Traits: Dependable, patient, practical, sensual  
Taurus is grounded and loves stability. People with the Sun in Taurus enjoy life's pleasures and have a strong appreciation for beauty and comfort. They're loyal, determined, and very reliable in relationships and career.


Element: Air  
Ruling Planet: Mercury  
Key Traits: Adaptable, curious, communicative, witty  
Geminis are versatile and thrive on mental stimulation. With a natural curiosity, they enjoy learning and sharing ideas. They’re great conversationalists, love variety, and can easily adapt to changing situations.


Element: Water  
Ruling Planet: Moon  
Key Traits: Nurturing, sensitive, intuitive, protective  
Cancer is deeply connected to emotions and family. People with the Sun in Cancer are empathetic, nurturing, and protective of their loved ones. They value security and home life and often have a strong sense of intuition.


Element: Fire  
Ruling Planet: Sun  
Key Traits: Confident, creative, charismatic, generous  
Leos love to shine and be in the spotlight. They’re known for their bold, creative energy and strong presence. With a natural sense of authority and warmth, they often enjoy being the center of attention and are generous to those around them.


Element: Earth  
Ruling Planet: Mercury  
Key Traits: Analytical, practical, detail-oriented, modest  
Virgos are perfectionists who value organization and efficiency. People with the Sun in Virgo are detail-oriented, intelligent, and have a strong desire to help others. They seek to improve themselves and the world around them.


Element: Air  
Ruling Planet: Venus  
Key Traits: Diplomatic, charming, balanced, fair  
Libra is the sign of balance and harmony. Libras are natural diplomats, striving for fairness and peace in all situations. With a love for beauty and relationships, they seek partnerships and often enjoy working in collaborative environments.


Element: Water  
Ruling Planet: Pluto and Mars  
Key Traits: Intense, passionate, mysterious, resourceful  
Scorpios are known for their depth and intensity. They’re highly intuitive and often have a magnetic presence. They seek transformation and have a natural ability to understand the unseen aspects of life, including deep emotions and mysteries.


Element: Fire  
Ruling Planet: Jupiter  
Key Traits: Adventurous, optimistic, philosophical, independent  
Sagittarians are seekers of knowledge and truth. They have an expansive, optimistic outlook on life and love adventure. Freedom is essential for them, and they often pursue travel, higher learning, and experiences that broaden their perspective.


Element: Earth  
Ruling Planet: Saturn  
Key Traits: Ambitious, disciplined, responsible, practical  
Capricorns are known for their strong work ethic and determination. They value success and often have long-term goals. With a practical and disciplined approach, they work methodically toward their ambitions, valuing structure and perseverance.


Element: Air  
Ruling Planet: Uranus and Saturn  
Key Traits: Innovative, humanitarian, independent, intellectual  
Aquarians are visionaries who value originality and progress. They are often drawn to social causes and enjoy thinking outside the box. With a strong sense of individuality, they seek freedom and often march to the beat of their own drum.


Element: Water  
Ruling Planet: Neptune and Jupiter  
Key Traits: Compassionate, intuitive, artistic, dreamy  
Pisceans are empathetic, spiritual, and often deeply connected to the unseen realms. They are imaginative and have a rich inner world. Known for their compassion, they are sensitive to the needs of others and often seek to help or heal.

These descriptions outline the basic characteristics of each zodiac sign, reflecting core personality traits and tendencies.