
Discover the best life coaching and astrology tailored for you.

Types of Sessions

Four young interracial friends sit on couch at home with fresh pizza. Friendship, communication, fun and leisure , relationship, jealousy, gossip concept.

Personal Relationship Growth Coaching 1:1

Strengthen your bonds and improve communication with personalized sessions. Discover new ways to connect deeply and sustain meaningful relationships.

Childhood, Parents, Career Colleagues, Friends, Partners, your Children! Life is all about relationships and if you don't clearly understand the perspective that you come from in relationships, what your needs are, your challenges, coupled with understanding the needs and challenges of the important people in your life. Well, what can I say? Profound changes have taken place in just one session! Heal ALL relationships.

Book a 1:1 One hr Session

Discovery Reading

Discovery Reading

A 10-minute Chart Analysis [emailed] to answer a specific question OR receive a mini chart analysis for a quick self-understanding. 

Holly provides a comprehensive 10-minute overview of your birth chart, covering aspects such as childhood, parental relationships, life lessons, personality, behaviour patterns, challenges, gifts, talents, career, relationships, children, health, and adulthood.

Although this Mini Discovery reading is brief, each one offers valuable insights every time we explore your personal birth chart. Discover yourself [and others] with a professional touch.

Book a Mini Session

Career Path Guidance

Career Path Guidance

Discover the right career for you with guidance that blends practical advice and astrological insights.

Helping you identify the best times to make important career or business decisions, such as launching a new project, seeking a promotion, or starting a business. Transits and progressions can indicate periods of growth, opportunity, and caution.

Holly's ability to Remote View and her Clairvoyant insight levels up this type of reading, helping you to see your surroundings that are beyond your view of reference.

Book a Mini or a 1 hr Session


Alternative Sessions

Past Life Regression 1:1

Past Life Regression 1:1

Holly is a Certified PLR Therapist.

Understand your karmic relationships with yourself and anyone in your life! Enter up to 3 lifetimes!

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that aims to help individuals access and explore memories of previous lifetimes through guided hypnosis or deep relaxation. This practice is based on the belief that unresolved experiences, emotions, and patterns from past lives can influence one's current life, affecting relationships, behaviours, and overall well-being. By revisiting and understanding these past life experiences, individuals may gain insights, resolve lingering issues, and promote healing and personal growth.

Book a 1:1 One hr Session

TimeLine Therapy

TimeLine Therapy

TimeLine Therapy is a powerful therapeutic technique designed to help individuals address and resolve negative emotions and limiting decisions rooted in past experiences, including childhood trauma. By guiding clients through their mental timeline, this therapy allows them to reframe and release the emotional impact of traumatic events, facilitating healing and personal growth. Through the process, individuals can gain a new perspective on their past, freeing themselves from the emotional burdens that hinder their present well-being and future potential. This method promotes emotional resilience and fosters a sense of empowerment, enabling individuals to move forward with a healthier, more positive outlook on life.

Book a 1:1 Session

Coaching Packages

Coaching Packages

A series of coaching sessions using astrology and all of Holly's modalities can be incredibly beneficial by providing an accountable and personalized approach to self-discovery and growth. By integrating astrological insights with various therapeutic and spiritual practices, these sessions offer a deep understanding of one's strengths, challenges, and life purpose. This comprehensive approach helps clients navigate personal and professional issues, enhance their emotional well-being, and develop practical strategies for achieving their goals. 

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  • Accountability

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